Thursday, August 20, 2015

All summer long we have prepared for the start of school. After a very short summer, the start of school has sprung up without much thought. Really this week everything started happening all at once. We went to Ikea, installed shelves, and had many a meeting discussing the up-coming school term. Mom had originally wanted to start on Tuesday, but a friend had requested earlier that she wished to drop her child off at our house. Since Travis goes to a co-op on Mondays and Wednesdays, Wednesday wouldn't work either. And every Friday we do a different kind of school, so Thursday was the only logical day to start.

Now I can start discussing our very amusing first day of school. After we ate breakfast and did our morning chores, Mom had an unusually long phone call. While we waited for her, I judged an act-it-out game. The game required the contestants to group up into two teams and perform the category I gave them the best. The team that did the best imitation of the category won five points and the round. Afterwards, Mom came downstairs and took our usual start-of-school pictures.

When the picture taking was over with, we started a group session that we call "Convo." After Convo, Mom took the little boys to the library while Caroline and I made lunch for everyone. 


  1. I love your posts on your blog. Glad y'all have started school. Study hard. Keep the photos of our house progress coming. Grandpa was so happy with the photos.
