Saturday, September 12, 2015

A couple days ago, Travis told my mom that his co-op would be hosting a scavenger hunt the following Friday. Of course with two baseball/tee-ball practices and Dad's work trip, Mom had told him with great disappointment that he would probably not be able to go. But go he did. Sure enough  on the following Friday, there we were driving through Downtown Greenville on our way to drop Travis off. During the course of the week, Mom had decided that these social things put on by the co-op were very good for Travis to do. But Mom didn't want to go there and back between the two practices and Downtown Greenville. So today, practices were being replaced with a nice picnic in Falls Park.

During the sandwich making, Caroline, Ben, Jack, and Eli played a few rounds of tag. While we walked around Falls Park, we saw and participated in, several of the scavenger hunt team answers. The Kyker's (minus a dad and an older sibling) helped teams arm wrestle, had them photobomb our picnic, and give a teammate a hug. 

When we finished watching the ducks, Mom took us in Spill the Beans coffee shop. In case you haven't heard of or been to Spill the Beans, it is a coffee shop located at the entrance of Falls Park. This time instead of purchasing a steaming coffee or even iced coffee, Mom got us all some ice cream. The way they make their ice cream is really neat. They give the choice of either chocolate or vanilla, then they give you however many toppings you want to put on. Then they blend all the toppings into the already delicious ice cream. And their you go one bulging ice cream cone/bowl. This time I ordered vanilla ice cream with cherries. At 8:15pm we left Falls Park for the second time and headed towards the nearest parking garage where our car was parked. Soon we had Travis and were pulling out of Downtown Greenville.   


  1. It was a lovely way to spend an evening, don't you think?

  2. "Mom decided these social things were very important for Travis to do." Are you questioning my social abilities??

  3. Seriously, Sam, your photography is amazing!!! :)

  4. Thank you! ;) It helps when you've just upgraded from a fifteen year old little canon.
