Thursday, September 10, 2015

For the Kyker clan Wednesdays are just another day of school, reading, and time outside. Today however, is different. Last night Mom announced that tomorrow we would go (along with our friends the Keigley's and the Bursh's) to go visit Sassafras Mountain. Once a month the Keigley's, the Bursh's, and an assortment of other close friends would host a sort of co-op. Today we were asked to join them. Accompanied by an audio book we embarked on our maiden voyage to the highest point in South Carolina. Sadly, the night before, a huge rain storm ran through and the mountain was covered in a big blanket of fog. I think I would have taken many a picture, but since the view was shrouded in fog, I resisted. However mom was able to a picture of our rambunctious group of children.  

As you might be able to tell by the picture, rain was slowly, but steadily, falling. Soon it got so bad that the mom's decided that it would be best to take the class elsewhere. After a tedious talk between the parents, (which didn't take long, due to the rain) they decided that the best course of action would be to go to the Keigley's house and finish the lesson there. So that's what we did. Packed up our wet clothes and headed home. But right before I was able to catch a glimpse of a massive hornets nest.

I don't think you can tell by the picture but it was swarming with angry-looking hornets. With great sorrow, I watched as the rain came down harder and faster as we entered Greenville. When we eventually got to the Keigley household, I was met with two of their dogs jumping up and down in front of me. If you were to walk into the dining room five minutes later, you would be met with thirteen kids bending over their work, as they struggled to produce an accurate sketch of a Sassafras leaf. With the Sassafras plant being edible, I think that more leaves were being consumed than being used as drawing props.

When our work was finished, London, Caroline, Mosely and I played a board game until it was time leave. For those of you that think going to Sassafras Mountain would be fun, I do highly recommend it. Although the drive is rather long, once you get there you want remember the drive. 

1 comment:

  1. Is it starting to get cold there? I see y'all with jackets on. Looks like fun though. Sorry the weather was so bad. Loving your blog.
