Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Last night, Dad, Travis, Caroline and I crept around the house like little elves while we decorated for my Mom's birthday. Travis and I hung up some banners while Dad and Caroline made a chocolate espresso cake. Since Monday is a holiday, Mom gets the privilege of having Dad on her birthday. A few days ago when I realized that it was, in fact, a holiday and Dad would be here supporting Mom, I was greatly pleased.

When we finished the job, we carefully (without disturbing the sleepers) crept upstairs and climbed into bed.

Today, after our wonderful meal and present opening, we got ready and headed for Asheville, NC. When arriving at our destination I realized that Downtown Asheville was pretty similar to our Downtown Greenville. One thing cool that Asheville has is plenty of restaurants. Besides places to eat, Asheville has a pretty cool park located in the very center. In the park it has about twenty different chess boards and plenty of chairs to boot. I think the idea is to bring some chess pieces of your own and play in the park. Asheville also had many of street performers. While we walked around, we saw magicians, guitarists, and a man painted the color of copper and pretending to be a statue.

After Eli bent down and placed a one dollar bill in the man's hat, the man with drew from his position and smiled warmly in his direction. At this, Eli hid behind mom and wouldn't come out from behind her legs. After several persuasive attempts to get Eli to come out, he gave up and moved back to his daunting pose.

Happy Birthday Mom! and I hope you have many more to come.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a good birthday, Sam. You guys and Dad are so good at making people feel special and loved. Thank you!
