Saturday, October 10, 2015

A typical rainy Saturday around the Kyker's usually consists of late breakfasts ( which are always brunches ) and lots and lots of board and card games. Today you can say we did all of those. We had a late breakfast which acted as our lunch as well, and we play a few games. But we also got to spend an hour at a book store down by Haywood Mall with presidential candidate Ben Carson. Thanks to Dr. Carson's website, we found out that he was coming to Greenville. This year Dr. Carson released his twelfth book and for the rest the year is taking book tour along with his campaigning. In the book, Dr. Carson talks about the United States Constitution and what it means to be an American citizen. Today Carson's tour took him through Columbia, SC, Rock Hill, SC, and now here in Greenville. For information click here

I'm so thrilled to be able to have the chance to meet two presidential candidates. Thank you Dr. Carson and your team for making this happen! 

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