Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This year the Kyker fam is in the middle of four different sports, plus a job at Sidewall Pizza Company. Caroline is playing Softball, Ben is playing Baseball, Jack Tee-Ball, Travis is working at Sidewall pizza company, and I am doing Archery on our co-op. With all of those combined, it's only natural to have at least three different things going on at once. Which means the old divide and conquer technique is being put to good use. Usually it means Mom taking one kid, while Dad takes another. Sometimes I'm dropped off with a kid while the other kids are being shuttled around to each of their activities. Today I'm with Mom and Eli watching one of Jack's games.


  1. He is looking good. Wish I could have watched his game when he was feeling good. He and Ben and Caroline are doing so well. Wish I could watch every game.

  2. His last game is this Thursday :(

  3. Jack looks awesome in his uniform!!! :)

  4. Dang! He's got baseball pants and cleats! When I played T-ball, I wore shorts and sneakers! #gobaseball
