Sunday, October 4, 2015

   A few days ago, a friend from Travis' co-op told him that Jeb Bush was coming to a local restaurant on Friday. Since then I've been imagining myself standing next to him while we shook hands. While on his way to Miami, Florida, Bush stopped through Greenville with his campaign crew and a few scattered news reporters. At 11:45 this morning, Mom took Travis, Caroline, my friend James and me out to meet Mr. Bush. As we walked through the doors, I could already see big cameras and lights being set up.

   About thirty minutes later, while we were eating, a small precession of nicely dressed men walked in. At that moment I knew he was here. Hurriedly I scrambled up out of my seat and rushed over to where he was walking in. As I picked my way through some of the men, I noticed Mr. Bush looking down at me. When I looked up he said, "That's a nice camera." It took me a minute to realize that he was actually talking to me! All I thought to say at that moment was, "Thanks." Then he leaned forward, shook my hand, and said, "My name is Jeb, nice to meet you." After returning the gesture, I slid out of the way to make room for him to pass by. 

   About ten minutes later, I saw him walking over to our table. From then on it was all a big explosion in my mind. Governor Bush told his campaign intern to let me film with his video camera. Where ever he went I would follow him around filming. Before he left, I was told to pack my bags and come be his camera guy in Miami. The whole experience was really amazing and I highly recommend doing something like it more often.

Thanks Jeb Bush, his campaign staff, and the WYFF news reporters for an amazing experience. 


  1. it was a awesome experience

  2. That is so cool! I like your's so fancy!!! :)

  3. If your talking about the camera in all the pictures then that one was the WYFF news reporter's.

  4. I wished that camera was mine. ;)

  5. W hat a wonderful experience and you express it so well. You made our day. Wher are my new house photos?
