For a couple months now dad and mom have been planning a trip to somewhere in North Carolina. Well the time had come for them to depart the household for a few days. On Friday, May 15, our friend Abby came over to watch us. Since mom and dad were gone from Friday through Sunday I will describe my post split up into three days.
Day 1
On Friday when Abby got here, Travis started making some delicious double chocolate cookies. After that we played outside and then made dinner. Then with much persistence from the three younger kids, we watched Paddington for the third time. Thankfully the movie expired in two hours so this time is the last time they can watch it. When they finished their movie, Abby, Travis, Caroline and I put the boys to bed. Then Travis and I made a couple milkshakes and sat down to watch the first Avengers. At around midnight, we decided that our health is more important then our desires. So we walked up the stairs and into our bed.
Day 2
When I woke up it was around 7:30. After breakfast, Abby drove us to the TR Farmer's Market.
After our glorious time at the Saturday Market, we headed over to the new establishment in Downtown TR, "Cool Mama's." It is a ice cream joint that has around ten different flavors. Before choosing I carefully surveyed each individual flavor. Finally I decided on getting the Cappuccino Crunch with a few gummy bears.

Turns out when I finished scraping the edges of my bowl, I realized that I enjoyed it very much. Well, after a lot of persuasion from the four younger kids, Abby decided on going over to a little playground at Gateway Park. While the kiddies played around, Travis and I contented ourselves in walking around the dirt bike trail like civilized humans. Slowly the prospect of eating dinner dawned on us. While Caroline and Abby made Mac&Cheese and Peas, I took a quick shower. Then I ate and soon after that I went to bed.
Day 3
At around 3:00am I was woken up by Travis. He and Abby were both in the hallway for some unknown reason. When I groggily got up to investigate, I found out that Travis had some sort of chest pain. A few minutes ago, Abby had called my mom and dad and told them that Travis wasn't himself. Then she had called the Deadwylers and asked if they would come over to oversee the household while she was gone. So they quickly drove to the doctor only to find that it was closed. Four hours later I awoke again to find that we were not going to go to Sunday School. But If Travis was feeling better then Abby would take Me and down to the regular service. When we got home we ate lunch and then we put the younger boys down for rest time. Two o clock came around with the arrival of my highly esteemed parents. And seeing as how that ends our three days without my parents, then I will end this post.