Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Today I woke up and was told by reliable sources that we had to go all the way down to Woodruff Road. If you are not familiar with Woodruff then I will give you a brief summary. It is where the Merovan Center, Sam's Club, Costco, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Cabelas, and lots of other stuff come together to make a rather convenient shopping experience. Well the downside is that it is forty-five minutes away. Dad was having a golf tournament with his work. Unfortunately, he left his golf shoes. So we ate breakfast and piled into the car. But before we left Jack through a "little" tantrum. I don't really know how it started. All I know is that he kicked and screamed out, "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" Mom was not about to listen to him. We strapped him in his seat and headed to Woodruff. Well, forty-five minutes later we dropped off the shoes and began to leave. But rather than waste our trip down here, we did our grocery shopping. While there we went into Trader Joe's and Costco.  When we got home we did some school and had James Deadwyler over to play Settlers of Catan. Then later tonight we went on our weekly Pint and Pie run at Sidewall Pizza. After that we went over to our friends the Deadwyler's house for a Cinco de Mayo dinner of fish and beef tacos. While there we played another game of Settlers of Catan. When we got home we put the little kids down and Dad, Travis and I did our men's night. During our men's night we usually read and discuss the book Mere Christianity while sipping mugs of hot chocolate. After we discuss our book we usually play a board game, watch a food network show, or something else. This time Dad was really tired so we resorted to going to sleep.  

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