Tuesday, May 12, 2015

After the Keigleys left a few days ago, they went to pick up a couple of baby goats. Well this afternoon  we decided to go over to their house and see them. I forgot to bring my camera so I unfortunately couldn't show you any pictures. But when I say that they were cute I mean CUTE! After that we played on their zip-line and ate amazing strawberry sorbet! Then we played a few rounds of Wolf and Deer, (it is sort of like Sharks and Minnows.) Then after a few minutes we left. About fifteen minutes after we got home, Caroline, Mom and I left to go to our Tuesday run. When we arrived we realized that the Keigleys and our friends the Woods were there. That night we had sausage, potatoes and roasted carrots for dinner. Following our dinner, Dad put the three younger boys to bed and Dad, Travis and I did our bible study. At around 9:30 I sadly finished my mug of hot chocolate and then retired for the night. 


  1. sounds like a fun day

  2. You aren't kidding, those goats were adorable. Get it? KIDDING?

  3. Had fun at the run and the Men's Night
