Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 2, 2015

Today we got up at 7:00am and quickly left to go to a community rummage sale about twenty minutes away. Okay lets be honest, when I was informed the night before that we were going to a rummage sale I was expecting a moderately crowded area. However I was definitely not expecting there to be around three hundred people flocking over more than a thousand items. Suddenly I switched from my calm, relaxed, tired self to full-on garage sale/rummage sale mode. When I finally untangled myself from the increasing crowd an hour later, I was ready to go. All together, I think our family purchased some pretty decent goods. Caroline, Ben, Jack, and Eli made several purchases, while I bought a forty year old version of Clue. While out and about we went to the first 2015 TR farmer's market. In case you haven't had the pleasure of going to it, I highly advise it. There are more venders which means double the fun. When we got home, we began the long process of cleaning out a room in the middle floor to make a new office for my dad. Sadly, our house also needed to be cleaned. So, five hours passed with long and hard work. Thankfully though we finally finished. Afterwards we headed outside. Unfortunately for me and all you allergic people out there, pollen is still out there, trust me. When mom told us that we had to take shower, I welcomed it gratefully. So I will be saying farewell to you all, and goodnight.   

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