Thursday, October 15, 2015

Last Sunday CNN host Jake Tapper interviewed presidential candidate Ben Carson on his statement about whether or not a Muslim should be president. When asked to go further into his statement, Carson told Tapper that a Muslim should not be president. Why does Carson think this? If the United States Constitution was put side by side with the Muslims Sharia Law then you would know. Every single law that makes up the Sharia Law goes completely against everything that the Constitution stands for. Carson believes that an American citizen cannot agree with the Constitution if he is an avid supporter of Islam and the Quran. The Sharia Law is exactly the opposite of the Constitution.  When Tapper told Carson that there were many American Muslims who's feelings were hurt, Carson replied with, 
"Is it possible that maybe the media thinks that it is a bigger deal? Because American people, the majority of them, agree and they understand exactly what I'm saying." 
From a Christian stand point I couldn't agree more with Carson. America is already spiraling down into a bottomless pit. The last thing we needs is to have a person as president who goes completely against the Constitution. I'm sure that there are plenty of Muslims out there that our very loyal to the US. But if they follow the Sharia Law then they shouldn't be trusted in the White House. In the interview, Tapper was in my opinion, completely against Carson. The Interview lasted a couple minutes longer before Carson's campaign manager, Armstrong Williams spoke out.
"This interview is over."