Monday, May 25, 2015

After school Caroline, Ben, Jack and I worked on one of our movies. We tramped through the woods, video camera in hand.  An hour later we came up from the creek. After taking a nasty spill,  my waist down was covered in mud. I had been climbing up a small hill in search of a good angle. When my legs began to give way, I held the camera out so that I wouldn't get damaged. Luckily just my lower body hit the water. Later today we cleaned the house then we headed on over to our church's softball game. I don't want to say that it was their best game, because the opposing team was that good. But we did win 17-2. Since it was Friday, we had our family night. We watched a few cooking shows and then we did a family night wrestling match. Then Travis and I played a game of Stratego. By the way, the picture below is of the online game Stratego. Here is a link in case you would like to check it out

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